Download the Solution Example here:

Project Name: Snowflake Connection

Software Version: v10 Update 1b

Keywords:  Snowflake. Datasets. Query.


This example provides instructions on connecting to a Snowflake database and executing queries. It enables communication between the Snowflake database and the FrameworX solution, allowing data to be published and read.

Snowflake Files

The necessary files for using Snowflake in Datasets with the last version of the FrameworX are not yet included. To run this example correctly, download the required files from the link at the top of the page. Extract the contents and place the files in a new folder within the software installation directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Tatsoft\FrameworX\fx-10\Snowflake\

Note: This process is only available for users who installed the software using the .exe installer. The .msix installer does not allow access to the installation directory.

Future versions will include these files as part of the standard installation.

Technical Information 

This example includes a pre-created database named Snowflake, which is not yet configured in Datasets > DBs. The user must configure it with their Snowflake account credentials.

Additionally, a table named SnowflakeTable is pre-created in Datasets > Tables and is already associated with the Snowflake database. The user only needs to specify the Snowflake table to be used after establishing the database connection.

The solution's interface provides on-screen instructions to guide the user through the process of connecting to the Snowflake database and selecting the table for interaction.

Snowflake DB Connect Instructions:

Snowflake DB Configuration Tips:

Once the database and table are configured, the user can execute any valid SQL query to interact with the selected Snowflake table.

Executing Query

When the execution button is clicked, the ExecuteQuery method in CodeBehind assigns the query from the TextBox to the SqlStatement in the dataset query and runs SelectCommandAsync to fetch data. The retrieved data populates the queryDataTable Tag, which updates the DataGrid display.

public async Task ExecuteQuery(object sender, System.Windows.Input.InputEventArgs e)
	@Dataset.Query.QuerySnowflake.SqlStatement = @Tag.snowflakeQuery;
	@Tag.queryDataTable = await @Dataset.Query.QuerySnowflake.SelectCommandAsync();

Reference Information

→ See Datasets for more information.

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