
This page provides details about the Server Information available on the Solution Manager. It includes technical specifics about the Solution Server connection, such as Solution Location, Local Computer Management, Local Search Folders, and Connected Server Information. In the Manager workspace, click on Server Information to manage remote server settings and services.

On this page:

Solutions Location 

The list of solutions presented can include files from your local computer or from a remote server. If you select Remote, you will need to specify the server address and connect to it.

To connect to a remote server, use the IP address and port of the target Solution Server. You may be required to enter an Access Key, which is the password defined on the target remote server. This configuration is available under Local Computer Management.

Local Computer

The Solutions exhibited in the Solution Selector list are the ones set in Local Search Folders when the application starts to run.

If you copy a new Solution (.tproj or .dbsln file) to a folder listed in Local Search Folders, it will not be exhibited in the Solution Selector until you click the Refresh button. To add or remove a folder from the search paths:

  1. Click Find Solutions file.

  2. Click Add Search Path to insert a new path;

  3. Click Remove Search Path to remove a path.

  4. Check Allow Remote Access and Allow Remote Run for multi-user development. (Optional) 

Remote Server

To display the Solution List from a remote server, the client computer must be connected to the Solution Server using its IP address and port.

If you have a computer where the solution files are stored and managed, and other computers from which you want to work remotely on those solution files, both computers must have the software platform installed and licensed. The client computer needs to connect to the solution server by using the IP address and port of the computer that stores the solutions. You can also connect to the solution server on your own computer using the IP address and the port where the Solution Server is running. By default, the Solution Server runs on port 10108.

The TWebServices must be running to accept remote connections. See Service Verification for more information.

If using the Embedded Web Service (TWebService) platform, no configuration is required. If using Microsoft IIS web server, see Installing on Microsoft IIS.

Connected Server Information

The Connected Server Information displays details such as the operating system, server URL, server IP, installed versions, and running services. By default, the SolutionServer operates on port 10108 and includes services like Hardkey and WebServices. Additionally, you can configure services (WebServices, MQTT Broker, and Hardkey) to start as Windows services.

Local Computer Management

The Local Computer Management defines an AccessKey to connect securely with the Solution Server hosted on the local computer, adding an extra security layer for remote access. It includes configuration fields for setting and verifying the AccessKey: the "Set AccessKey" field for entering the password and the "Verify" field for re-entering the password to confirm it. The "Apply" button saves the AccessKey settings.

Pressing "Apply" with any input removes the AccessKey. 

Finding Solutions Folders

After clicking Find Solutions in the Manager Workspace, you will be addressed to the Server Information, which allows to easily set a solution to auto-startup and define if the Solution Selector list will exhibit Solutions from a local or remote computer. 

Solution Server



Solutions list built from

It shows the options below, where user can choose either if the Solution list will be built from local computer files or a server.

Local Computer Files

It sets Solution selector list to be built from the local computer.

Solution Server

It sets a server to build the Solution selector list from.


It connects to the Solution server set.


It updates Solution server status.

Server Information

It shows server IPs.

Running Services

It shows current server's running services.

Local Search Folders

Exhibit local folders set to search Solutions and the options below.

Add Search Path (plus)

It adds new local path to search for Solutions.

Remove Search Path (minus)

It removes a local path to search for Solutions.


It shows the local paths in the Solution List, enabling you to select the solutions in the Manager workspace.

Allow Remote

It enables remote access to the local paths set.

The platform will scan for .dbSln files in the paths set. If the list is empty, check the search paths or the connection with the remote server. Also, try Creating a New Solution. If an error occurs when the Solution is loading, a log is created at "TraceLogs" folder

Folder Visibility and Remote Access configuration

Any folder included in Local Search Folders has controls for visibility and remote access.

Permissions for remote access are set by folder, so place your solutions in the folders accordingly. You can keep many solutions in one folder or create a separate folder for each one.

To manage your Solutions Folders:

  1. After adding a search path, select the one you would like to allow remote access.

  2. Check Visible to enable remote access for selected folder.

  3. Check Allow Remote to enable Solutions from selected folder to be run by remote users.

Multi-user Development

For information about how to collaborate with other users during the Solution development, please check Multi-user Development.

In this section:

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