
When a solution is selected, this page allows you to perform basic operations on that solution, such as editing, starting or stopping its execution, launching client pages, or starting monitoring and diagnostics tools.

On this page:

Manage Solution User Interface

  • Solution Information: information about the selected solution
  • Actions: Edit, Start or Stop commands on the selected solution. 
  • Credentials: username and password applied in conjunction with the Actions
  • Start Tools: When the select solution is running, som diagnostics tools can be activated. 

Editing and Viewing Solutions

The Edit button opens the Designer to edit to the solution. If security constraints are enabled, you may need to type in the Credentials that will allow you to edit the solution. Or, if the solution allows guest access, you can Start the Designer without credentials, and use the Logon button in the Designer toolbar before editing.

When the Read-Only check-box is set, the Designer will start in View-Only mode, not allowing modifications, independently of the security authorizations. You still may need the security credential to view the contents, if the solution was protected. 

The platform supports multi-user and multi-project organization, allowing for the simultaneous editing and running of multiple projects. All modules are integrated into a unified user interface: The Designer, is the comprehensive and user-friendly environment that handles all setup for software modules, execution settings, and testing tools, from tag definition and communications to drawing user interface displays.

→ See Designer (IDE Overview) for the user documentation on solution configuration. 

Many solutions can be opened simultaneously by any user, there is no restriction on that.

The same solution can also be opened by many users, allows concurrent distributed engineering. The Evaluation mode license allows for one local and one remote engineering user.

→ See Licensing and Activation for more information.

Opening in View mode

If the solution file is locked or another local instance of the solution is open, it will open in Read-Only View mode. In this mode, you can still run or export the configuration but cannot make edits.

Running Solutions

You can run a Solution by:

  • Using the Run button

  • Starting the execution manually after you open the solution for editing at the Designer tool (Runtime → Startup → Start). 

→ For more information, see Runtime (Solution Execution).

When starting the Solution, you can select the Execution Profile that will be used.  Execution Profiles allows you to have one solution configuration, that will use distinct connections with Databases, or Network IP to remote devices, according the the environment where that solutions is executed. 

The typical environments to run a solution are in Development network, in the Validation system, and of the Production system.

? See Startup Execution Profiles for more information. 

In this section:

  • No labels