
While both the Devices module and TagProvider connections enable data exchange with remote systems, they have different focuses and complement each other.

There are features in the Devices module that can't be accomplished using TagProviders, and features from TagProviders that could be emulated with the Devices module.

This section details what these interfaces have in common, where they differ, and provides guidance on how to select what best fits your requirements, keeping in mind that both can be used in the same solution.

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Configuration Similarities

Before we explore the differences, let's start with what they have in common.

In both cases, we establish a connection with a remote system, and the configuration settings for those connection is essentially the same.

At Devices, you create a Channel a Protocol, configure the ProtocolOptions,  then create a Node to configure the PrimaryStation.

At TagProviders, you select a Protocol, and the configuration of ProtocolOptions and PrimaryStation is on the same dialog.

Despite the fact the TagProvider combines the configuration of Channel and Node, the fields for ProtocolOptions and PrimaryStation are the same, which is the reason why the documentation of the protocol is the same in both cases. 

Where the Configuration Differs

Using Devices, the AccessType can customize the read and write cycles and events, and you can use multiple AccessTypes on the same Node. 

Using TagProviders, there is the ReadCycle and the WriteCycle, which applies to all communication on that TagProvider Connection. 

Finally, on Devices, you create Points and maps to Tags. When working with TagProviders, that steps is not necessary, as you can access directly the address within the connected system. 

In summary:

Devices Module: Maps locally created Tags with address on the connected devices, offering detailed control over read/write events and diagnostics for each address.

TagProvider: Establishes dynamic communication with remote sources, enabling direct browsing or writing on the remote data definition without using local tags.

Which One to Use Depends on Requirements

Best Usage for Devices Module:

  • Local tag definition is in the solution.
  • Utilization of tag fields for attributes and metadata. (like Min, Max, Retentive, and others)
  • Validation of address availability.
  • Control over communication performance, cycle times, read/write events.
  • The solution is a Publisher for that data, that will create the topics in the remote system.

Best Usage for TagProviders:

  • Access data already defined in other systems.
  • No need for extended tag properties, only variable values.
  • Dynamic data definition, adaptable without external source modifications.
  • No detailed control required over communication messages or address status.
  • The solution is not the original Publisher nor created of the topics on the remote system, but it can perform write operations on existing topics.

In some solutions, it is quite possible that some of the data is better suited for use with the Devices module, while other data in the solution is better acquired using TagProvider.

Read more about TagProvider Connections

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