
Cross-Reference provides a table to view and interact with the cross-referencing of all objects within the solution.

The contents of this table enables the Find Results Panel at the Designer main interface. See Designer (IDE Overview) / Find Results Panel.

Usually, it easier than to use the Find Results panel to presents the referenced elements of the selected object, rather than execution the search in this table.

On this page:

Cross-Reference Table Columns

Cross-Reference Table




Assigns a unique identifier to each cross-referenced item.


Names the object that is being referenced.


Identifies the table that uses the object.


Specifies the item within the table that references the object.


Pinpoints the location of the object within the system.

Double-click on a row navigates to the Designer configuration UI  of the selected Location.

Objects Usage not Visible to Cross-Reference

This feature only shows the places the object is being used directly, not used by an indirect reference or string manipulation. 

Here are some examples where an object is used indirectly:

  • Via TagReference using the .Link Property (reason why use the Tag1.GetName() when possible, instead of "Tag1" when setting the value for this property)

  • Via AssetPath, using the syntax. Asset("/folder1/tag1")

  • Via scripts settings directly TagNames on TrendChart and other objects. 

  • TK.GetObjectValue()

  • Via .NET classes, or Toolkit methods, which allows the access of objects by a string with its name, not the object directly. 

  • Objects used by external Applications,  using DataAccess API, or consumed via the built-in OPC UA Server or MQTT Broker.

The Find Results panel, UseCount, and Unused Count relies on the Cross-Reference table. Therefore, objects used by an indirect access are also not visible to those tools.

Verify and be ware of these limitation when deleting or renaming objects. 

In this section:

  • No labels