This document has only the specific information about the device connection settings and its address syntax.

Refer to the User Manual for more information on the  Device Module or on Tag Providers.


Communication Driver Information
Driver namePraesensa
Assembly NameT.ProtocolDriver.Praesensa
Assembly Version1.0.1.0
Available for LinuxFalse
Devices supported 

 Praesensa System

Manufacturer Bosch Security
PC RequirementsEthernet board

Channels Configuration

Protocol Options

This configuration is not supported for this Driver.


Tx: 1000

RxStart: 10000

RxFinish: 10000

NextByte: 1000

Nodes Configuration

Primary Station 

PrimaryStation: <IP>;<Port>;<Username>;<Password>


<IP> = IP address of the Praesensa system

<Port> = TCP port where the Praesensa system is listening (default is 9401)

<Username> = Username of Praesensa system

<Password> = Password of Praesesnsa system



Points Configuration


 The parameters of the Address are configured as the parameters described below:

<Address>: Can be set StartCall, StopCall, and AbortCall.

- StartCall: Creates a call and reproduces the audio. When using the StartCall address the next parameters need to be configured as the preference of the customer.

P.s: The tag must be of kind Digital.

- StopCall: Stop a call. When using the StopCall address, just the “Index” parameter needs to be configured to reference the same StartCall Index created.

P.s: The tag must be of kind Digital.

- AbortCall: Abort a call. When using the AbortCall address, just the “Index” parameter needs to be configured to reference the same StartCall Index created.

P.s: The tag must be of kind Digital.

<Priority>: Priority of the call.


0...31: BGM call priority. Always partial call, regardless of the partial settings.

32...223: Normal call priority.

224...255: Emergency call priority. Always partial call, regardless of the partial settings.

<Output Handling>: There are three options, Partial, Non Partial, and Stacked.

- Partial: Partial calls are calls that proceed even in case, not all required zones are available.

- Non-Partial: Non-Partial calls are calls that require the entire routing to be available at the start of the call and during the call. When during the call a part of the routing becomes unavailable, the call is aborted.

- Stacked: Stacked calls are called that extend partial calls with replays to previously unavailable zones.

<Stacking Mode>: There are two options, ‘Wait for all’ and ‘Wait for each’. This parameter is ignored when Output Handling is set to: Partial or Non-Partial.

- Wait for all: Wait with replay for all zones to become available.

- Wait for each: Start a replay for each zone to become available.

<Stacking Timeout>: Amount of minutes for a stacked call to wait for available resources. The time-out countdown is started at the moment the original call has ended. The accepted range is 1 to 255 minutes. This parameter is ignored when Output Handling is set to Partial or Non Partial.

<Live Speech>: True = Live speech. False = No live speech.

<Repeat>: How many times the messages should be repeated. Value can be:

-1: Repeat infinity.

0: Play message once.

1 … 32767: Repeat count.

<Routing>: List of names of zone groups, zones and/or control outputs. The routing is formatted as a comma-separated set of resource names. No spaces are allowed before or after the separation of commas.

<Start Chime>: The name of the start chime. May be empty, no leading or trailing spaces are allowed.

<Message>: Name of prerecorded messages. The messages parameter is formatted as a comma-separated set of message names.

<End Chime>: The name of the end chime. May be empty, no leading or trailing spaces are allowed.

<Audio Input>: Name of the audio Input (only used when live speech is true).

<Call Timing>: Indicates the way the call must be handled. There are three possible values: Immediate, Shifted and Monitored.

- Immediate: Broadcast to the selected zones and zone groups when the call is started.

- Shifted: Broadcast to the selected zones and zone groups when the original call is finished to prevent audio feedback during live speech.

- Monitored: Broadcast when the call is not canceled within 2 seconds after the monitoring phase has finished.

<Monitor Destination>: The destination zone of the pre-monitor phase of a monitored call. This parameter is ignored when Call Timing is set to Immediate or Shifted.

<Live Speech Atten>: The attenuation to be used for the audio input during the live speech phase. Range: 0 … 60 dB.

<Start Chime Atten>: The attenuation to be used for the chime generator during the Start chime phase. Range: 0 … 60 dB.

<End Chime Atten>: The attenuation to be used for the chime generator during the End chime phase. Range: 0 … 60 dB.

<Message Atten>: The attenuation to be used for the message generator during the start prerecorded message phase. Range: 0 … 60 dB.

<Index>: ID to identify this command. Can be typed a string.

Driver Revision History

Praesensa Revision History
Version Notes release on new documentation standards
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