There are 2 independent ways to use this protocol, uUsing a TagProvider or as a DeviceChannel in the Module Device.

  • TagProvider: allows to use the database addresses directly without creating any Tags nor mappings in the Project.
  • DeviceChannel: create Project Tags and map to the database addresses, allowing more control over names and data blocks. Use the Solution Import Tags to setup automatically the mapping.

This document has only the specific information about the device connection settings and its address syntax.

Refer to the User Guide for more information on the Device Module or on UNS TagProvider Connections.


Communication Driver Information
Driver nameInfluxDB
Assembly NameT.ProtocolDriver.InfluxDB
Assembly Version<< get from XML >>
Available for Linux<< get from XML >>
Devices supported 

InfluxDB databases. << Versions ?? >>

ProtocolProprietary    <<<  isso ou Rest API > >>>>
PC RequirementsEthernet port

Channels Configuration

There is no configuration settings necessary for this interface.

Nodes Configuration

PrimaryStation  or SecondaryStation

The station parameters are:

  • IP Address: InfluxDB Database Server Address. Default value is localhost.
  • Port: InfluxDB Database Server Port Number. Default value is 8086.
  • ConnectionType: Specifies the ConnectionType with the Database Server. Options are:
    1. User Credentials: Connection will be made using UserName and Password validation.
    2. Token: Connection will be made using security token validation.
  • UserName: UserName used to verify credentials. Valid for User Credentials ConnectionType.
  • Password: Password used to verify credentials. Valid for User Credentials ConnectionType.
  • Token: Token used to verify credentials. Valid for Token ConnectionType.
  • Database: Database in which client will connect to.
  • Bucket: Bucket in which client will connect to. If Connection parameters are correctly filled, you should see all buckets available in the ComboBox DropDown.
  • Organization: Organization defined for user in InfluxDB Database Server.

Always use the Test button to verify the connection status.

Points Configuration

The address parameters are:

  • Measurement: Measurement in which Tag Will be assigned in InfluxDB Table.
    • If Point is a Project Tag and measurement field is blank, Main TagName (Name defined in Edit Tags > Objects) will be used.
    • If Point if from TagProvider and measurement field is blank, ProviderName will be used.
  • Field: Field in which Tag Will be assigned in InfluxDB Table. If blank, Tag Attibute will be used (element of default types, like Integer, Decimal, etc).
  • Use Template As Custom Columns: Flag indicating if Templates which Tag belongs to will be used as Custom Columns in InfluxDB Table. Default value is true.

If Point is from TagProvider and CheckBox is true, a Column called TagProviderPath will be created with the path leading to the TagProvider asset.

  • Additional Custom Columns: List of User-Defined Custom Columns, separated by comma, to map a variable in the Database.

Syntax: <ColumName> = <ColumnValue>

You can add, remove or edit custom columns in the dialog window at ’+’ button.


To illustrate the result of a sucessfull configuration we will make the following assumptions.

  • The Tag is structured as:

Tag Structure

  • The Address is configured as:
    1. Measurement: Panel1.
    2. Field: ”. [Leave it blank so our attributes are used].
    3. Use Template As Custom Columns: true.
    4. Additional Custom Columns: Owner = PC1.

This configuration will result in the following Table inside InfluxDB:

Table Created in InfluxDB.

Reading Data

To Read back these values, all you have to do is use another Tag, of same ”Panel” Template and use the same Custom Column Configuration.

Working with Arrays

When Tag Attribute is Array, a new column called ArrayIndex will be created and populated with the indexes. An example is illustrated below:

Table Created in InfluxDB for Array Tag


The status of the driver execution can be observed through the platform built-in diagnostic tools. Refer to Devices - Using Diagnostic Tools.

<<<< Anything to add here ? >>>>>>

Driver Revision History

InfluxDB Driver Revision History
Version Notes
<<< from XML >>>>Initial release on new documentation standards

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