Download the Solution Example here: AlarmEmailAndSMS.dbsln
- Solution Name: Alarm Email and SMS
- Software Version: v10
- Keywords: Alarms, Notification Method
This sample demonstrates how to configure the system to send an email and an SMS with alarm details whenever an alarm event occurs, using the NotificationMethod
Technical Information
The NotificationMethod used in this solution example allows configuring your solution to send an email, an SMS, a message box, or speech the alarm message every time a conditional event alarm occurs.
When the solution runs, the NotificationMethod is called every time a conditional event alarm occurs. Then, this method receives an Array of AlarmEventInfo as a parameter. See an example code below:
public void AlarmEvents(AlarmEventInfo[] events) { //Protection in case events its null if (events == null) return; //Get the first event AlarmEventInfo event = events[0]; if (event.State != 1) return; //Get information about the alarm event to create the body of the email string body = "Time: " + event.ActiveLocalTime.ToString() + "\n" + "Message = " + event.Message + "\n" + "Area = " + event.Area + "\n" + "Group = " + event.Group + "\n" + "Tag = " + event.TagName + "\n"; //Code to send email try { //Configuring the SMTP Client System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient mySmtpClient = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient(@Tag.smtpServer, 587); mySmtpClient.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; mySmtpClient.EnableSsl = true; mySmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false; mySmtpClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(@Tag.fromEmail, @Tag.passFromEmail); //Sending the email mySmtpClient.Send(@Tag.fromEmail, @Tag.toEmail, "Dmail notification", body); } catch (Exception ex) { @Info.Trace("Error sending message: " + ex.Message); } }
Once in the NotificationMethod, you can send an email, send a message, send a message box, speech an alarm message, etc.
Reference Information
→ See Alarms for more information.
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