This document has only the specific information about the device connection settings and its address syntax.
Refer to the User Guide for more information on the Device Module.
On this page:
Communication Driver Information | |
Driver name | TcpDataAccess |
Assembly Name | T.ProtocolDriver.TcpDataAccess |
Assembly Version | |
Available for Linux | True |
Devices supported | Framework server applications compatible with the TRemoteClient protocol |
Manufacturer | N/A |
Protocol | Proprietary over TCP/IP |
PC Requirements | Ethernet port |
Channels Configuration
Protocol Options
- TagHistorian: Defines if the historical data will be recovered from remote server.
- TagProperties: Defines the other tag properties beyond Value, Quality and Timestamp.
Nodes Configuration
Station Configuration
Stations syntax: <Host> ; <Port>;[UserName];[UserPassword];[WindowsAuthentication]
Where :
- <Host>: IP Address of Server system
- <Port>: TCP/IP port of Server system
- [UserName]: User name with ClientStart permission in Server system. Optional parameter. Default value is the startup user.
- [UserPassword]: Password for the user. Optional parameter. Default value is the startup user.
- [WindowsAuthentication]: Created WindowsAuthentication option
E.g.:; 3101
Points Configuration
The syntax for the TRemoteClient communication points is: <ServerTagName>
- <ServerTagName>: Tag Name in Server system.
E.g.: Tag.TagName
Driver Revision History
TRemoteClient Revision History | |
Version | Notes |
1.18 | Initial release on new documentation standards. |
Data Access and Visibility
Not all Tags on the remote server can be accessible using this protocol. The visibility of the data and its access permissions, read or write, are defined by remote system, according to the Visibility property of the Tags in the remote system.
The available options are:
- Private: The tag remains visible only to the local project and its redundant pair. Use this setting to restrict the tag's visibility, ensuring that only the local project and its backup can access the tag. Private Tags will not be visible to remote Servers.
- Protected: The tag becomes visible to external connections for read-only operations. This setting allows external systems to read the tag's value without permitting any modifications, ensuring that the data remains unchanged. Protected Tags are accessible to read-only operations.
- Public: The tag becomes visible to external connections for both reading and writing. This setting provides full access to the tag, allowing external systems to both read and modify the tag's value. Public Tags are accessible to read or write operations.
In this section: