Download the Solution Example here: FlowPanel.dbsln

  • Solution Name: Flow Panel
  • Software Version: v10
  • Keywords: Panels, Elements



This example demonstrates how to use the TFlowPanel component, which allows for the dynamic creation of Symbols at runtime by querying the quantity and definitions of the symbols from databases or real-time tags.

Technical Information

The example demonstrates the TFlowPanel control, dynamically creating WrapPanels as well as horizontal and vertical StackPanels.

The panel contents are dynamically generated from various data sources. The example showcases 5 scenarios:

  1. Panel configured with a fixed text;
  2. Panel configured with text from a tag;
  3. Panel configured from an array of text tags;
  4. Panel configured from a DataTable tag;
  5. Panel configured from an array of DataTemplate tags.

1. Data Source = Text / Panel Type = WrapPanel.

→ Items for 'Text' Source can be filed by writing in this field or by clicking in the icons in the bottom left on the settings page.

2. Data Source = Text Tag / Panel Type = UniformGrid.

→  The code below sets the value of the text-type tag (@Tag.tagText) that is used as a source for the FlowPanel.

// Task.ServerStartup
Tag.tagText.Value = "#Element=HMI/Circular_Gauge/Tacho3 #Value=tag.tag1 #Max:100 ;";
string str = "";
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
	string add = i.ToString();
	str += "#Element=HMI/Miscellaneous/ColorLabel #Value=tag.tag2 #Color=\"#FF00AA" + (i * 20).ToString("X2") + "\" ; ";
@Tag.tagText.Value += str;

3. Data Source = Array / Panel Type = StackPanelHorizontal 

→ The code below sets the values of an array of text-type tags (@Tag.tagTextArray[ ]) that are used as the source for the FlowPanel.

string[] strs = @Tag.tagText.Value.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int j = 0; j < Math.Min(@Tag.tagTextArray.Length, strs.Length); j++)
	@Tag.tagTextArray[j] = strs[j].Trim();

4. Data Source = Object / Panel Type = WrapPanel

→ The code below sets the values of a DataTable tag (@Tag.tagTable) that is used as the source for the FlowPanel.

DataTable table1 = new DataTable();
table1.Columns.Add("Element", typeof (string));
table1.Columns.Add("Value", typeof (string));
table1.Columns.Add("Max", typeof (int));
table1.Columns.Add("Color", typeof (string));
DataRow row1 = table1.NewRow();
row1["Element"] = "HMI/Circular_Gauge/Tacho3";
row1["Value"] = "Tag.Tag1";
row1["Max"] = 100;

for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
	DataRow row2 = table1.NewRow();
	row2["Element"] = "HMI/Miscellaneous/ColorLabel";
	row2["Value"] = "Tag.Tag2";
	row2["Max"] = 100;
	row2["Color"] = "\"#FF00AA" + (j * 20).ToString("X2") + "\"";
@Tag.tagTable.Value = table1;

5. Data Source = Object / Panel Type = WrapPanel

→ The code below sets the values of a DataTemplate tag (@Tag.dt) that is used as the source for the FlowPanel.

@Tag.dt[0].Element = "HMI/Circular_Gauge/Tacho3";
@Tag.dt[0].Value = "tag.tag1";
@Tag.dt[0].Max = 140;
for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
	@Tag.dt[j].Element = "HMI/Miscellaneous/ColorLabel";
	@Tag.dt[j].Value = "tag.tag2";
	@Tag.dt[j].Color = "\"#FF00AA" + (j * 20).ToString("X2") + "\"";

Reference Information

→ See Smart Symbols for more information.

In this section:

  • No labels