Station syntax: <BrokerURL>;<Port>; <ClientID>;[Username] ;[Password]; [NetworkSecurity] ; [X509Certificate]; <Qos>; <KeepAlive>
<BrokerURL>: MQTT Broker (Server) name. It must be the same name is configured in the bind_address parameter in the Broker.
<Port>: MQTT Broker port. It must be the same port is configured in the Broker to be listening. Default value is 1883.
<ClientID>: Indicates the client identification used for connecting to the MQTT Broker.
[Username]: optional, Username defined on MQTT Broker. This will be requested if the Broker has the allow_anonymous parameter as false. Whether this parameter is set as true on Broker, keep this field empty. Default value is empty.
[Password]: optional, Password defined on MTQQ Broker. This will be requested if the Broker has the allow_anonymous parameter as false. Whether this parameter is set as true on Broker, keep this field empty. Default value is empty.
[NetworkSecurity]: optional, If the Broker works using certificates, this field is mandatory and must match the same option defined in the Broker. Options are: None, TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2.
[X509Certificate]: optional, Path of X509 Certificate using TLS v1.0. This must be the complete path of X509 certificate in the client computer. The certificate must be installed in the computer.
<QoS>: Quality of Service (QoS) is an agreement between sender and receiver of a message regarding the guarantees of delivering a message. There are three QoS levels:
<KeepAlive>: Ensures that the connection between the Broker and Client is open and both parties are aware of the connection. Default value is 1 second.