Running TServer in Linux

Before doing the setting of this document you should be running TServer in Linux, you can do this in the following document:

How to Deploy Projects and set FactoryStudio TServer as Service in Linux

Canary Historian Settings

Do the setting in "Apendix A" first then come back here.

Then go in Edit >Tags > Providers and create a new TagProvider and "Set as Historian Server":

And do the following settings:

Then go in Edit >Tags > Historian and create a new Historian table:

Add the tag and change the HistorianTable column to the one you have just created

Now you run the project in Run > Startup, and open the property watch

Then you write something in tag1 in PropertyWatch, and the Historian Database will appear in Canary > Historian

Follow a video link running Canary Historian:

Canary Devices Settings

Do the setting in "Apendix A" first then come back here.

Create a CanaryHistorian channel and set the "InitialState" column as "Reserved", it will make the channel does not start running with the project, because we need to add some new parameters to run Canary remotely.

And do the following settings in Nodes:

In Points > Address select the address name you want to appear in Canary

Finally, you go in Run > Startup, and "Run Startup" like this with Devices disable

Open the command prompt and run this following line, remember to replace the infos required.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Tatsoft\FactoryStudio\fs-9.2\TRunModule.exe" /module:t.modules.device /channel:<ChannelName> /ip1:<LinuxIP> /port1:3101 /connectiontimeout:60 /iot

Now you will see in icon tray bar, canary running:

Open the Property Watch and give a value to the tag

Now you will see the values in Canary:

Follow a video link running Canary Devices:

Apendix A

First thing is running the following command in Linux to wait for externar Clients connection:

xvfb-run mono /home/username/ProjectServer/ProjectServer.exe

The Linux terminal should be waiting for connection

TWebServer and Canary must be running

Then you go in Welcome and connect to Remote Linux Server:

After that, open the project Linux/Mono you have previously created and create a new tag: