• Project Name: TrendCustomDataSource
  • Software Version:  9.2 sp2 (9.2.26)
  • Keywords:  Trend. Data.

Project Summary

This example shows how use Trend and solutions on basic archiving and creating charting of Data.

Technical Information

When creating a trend chart, if you have data logging defined in FactoryStudio (at Edit-Tags-Historian), or if you are using FactoryStudio for use with OSIsoft PI System, the system will automatically look for the archived Data to plot the chart. When you want to draw the Trend chart mapping to data other than the one created by the system itself, you have the following options:

1) You can populate the Historian archive (Tatsoft Database, Microsoft SQL or other Database, or PI System) from another application.

2) You can customize the GetSamples method used by the trend chart when plotting the Data as described in this example.

One more advanced example of custom Trend chart drawing, where a curve model is created from a recipe: (TrendWithRecipe.rar).

Reference Information

See "Tag Historian and Data Log" for more information.

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