This document has information on the MQTTspB Simulator configuration and Runtime Behavior. Below you will find more information on the requirements and supported features.

Watch a video on how to use the MQTT Simulator with Tag Provider here. (no audio)

Application Requirements

This simulator application comes with the default installation of product version 9.2. The executable file can be found under the ../9.2/MQTTspBSimulator.exe directory.

Make sure to execute the file from inside this folder, to guarantee all dependencies are satisfied.

Supported Features

The following features are supported:

The Simulator is Write-Only! You will not be able to subscribe to any topic, only publishing is allowed.

Configuration File

The DeviceID attributes can be customized using the configuration file, MQTTspBSimulator.exe.config. This file uses an XML syntax that is parsed during the application initialization.

This means that any change that is made requires the application to be restarted in order to be applied. 

The file syntax is illustrated below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="Name" value="Type=string;Sampling=constant;range=;defaultValue=Barcelona" />
<add key="State" value="Type=int;Sampling=variable;range=0,10;defaultValue=" />
<add key="Longitude" value="Type=double;Sampling=constant;range=1.56,2.49;defaultValue=" />
<add key="Latitude" value="Type=double;Sampling=constant;range=41.34,41.71;defaultValue=" />
<add key="PanelPower" value="Type=double;Sampling=variable;range=200,500;defaultValue=" />
<add key="PanelVoltage" value="Type=double;Sampling=variable;range=-220,220;defaultValue=" />
<add key="PanelCurrent" value="Type=double;Sampling=variable;range=-10,10;defaultValue=" />
<add key="TemperaturePort" value="Type=double;Sampling=variable;range=15,35;defaultValue=" />

Each AppSetting entry have two parameters, Key and Value.

The file name must be the same as the executable file. If one is changed, the other must be as well.

Application Settings

The Simulator is divided in 3 tabs, Connection String Parameters, Simulation Settings and Runtime Simulation Settings. More information on each one is available below.

Connection String Parameters


The Simulator does not support Ssl Protocols.

Simulation Settings

E.g.: NodeId 1, NodeId 2 ... NodeId N.

E.g.: DeviceID 1, DeviceID 2 ... DeviceID N.

Runtime Simulation Settings