Quick video tutorial

How to Use

Creating Callback Function

To use this feature, you will need to add a callback function in the ClientMain class that is called every time the DataGrid is modified.

The function has the following syntax:

public void OnReportCustomTableCell(string reportName, string columnName, System.
Data.DataRow row, System.Windows.Documents.TableCell tableCell)
// Insert Code Here

In this example, we will add the following table to our report:

Table cells can be dynamically colored by using the input parameters of the Callback Function. You can filter tables by ColumnName and Rows.

Callback Function Usage

The code below shows an example of how this feature can be implemented.

public void OnReportCustomTableCell(string reportName, string columnName, System.
Data.DataRow row, System.Windows.Documents.TableCell tableCell)
if (columnName == "Age")
if (TConvert.To<int>(row["Age"]) == 40) 
tableCell.Background = Brushes.Red;

else if (TConvert.To<int>(row["Age"]) < 30) 
tableCell.Background = Brushes.Yellow;

tableCell.Background = Brushes.Green;

if (row["Country"].ToString() == "Brazil") 
tableCell.Background = Brushes.Coral;

The result achieved by the example code is presented in the image below.


The new colored DataGrid is added into the report following the same logic as before.

Report with Colored DataGrid

You will need to insert a table with the correct number of columns and only TWO rows. In the first column, you will write the text that will appear as the column name in the printed report.

In the second column, you will write the correct column name that is in the database.

Additional Information

Since the callback function is placed into the ClientMain class, the reports containing DataGrids will only be colored if the report is being saved in one of the following methods: