
A WebGateway is a type of security solution that prevents unsecure traffic from entering an organization's internal network. Enterprises use them to protect their employees/users from accessing and being infected by malicious web traffic, websites, or virus/malware.

The TWebGatewayService is an executable file that works in association with IIS (Internet Information Services). Below, you will find more detailed information regarding the installation process and regarding setting parameters.


To install the “WebGateway”, run the “InstallTWebGatewayService.exe” application. All the used information for the WebGateway is in the TWebGatewayService.exe.config.  It will create a window services and all output will be sent to windows event viewer. After any modification in the .config file the windows service must be stopped and started.

Using Additional Ports

When using additional ports (ExtraCount parameter), you need to configure the TWebGatewayService.exe.config, and then execute the WebGateway installation. The executable “InstallTWebGatewayService.exe” will verify the TWebGatewayService.exe.config and install the additional ports on Windows routing table. Then, after you make modifications to the related additional ports, you must follow the steps below: 

  1. In the command prompt, run the application: InstallWebGateway /uninstall 
  2. Modify the file: TWebGatewayService.exe.config
  3. In the command prompt, run the application: InstallWebGateway

Available Parameters

The available WebGateway parameters can be found in the list below:

LocalPort : WebGateway listening port. If you are ONLY using Windows Authentication, set it to zero (0) and the port will not be opened

LocalPortWA: WebGateway listening port using Windows Authentication. If you are not using Windows Authentication set it to zero (0) and the port won’t be opened

RemoteIP : Computer IP that runs the runtime server (TServer.exe)

RemotePort : “TServer.exe” listening port without Windows Authentication

RemotePortWA: “TServer.exe” listening port using Windows Authentication

WA:  Force to use RemotePort or RemotePortWA. Do not matters which port the data arrive (LocalPort or LocalPortWA)

     True = Use only Remote Port WA

     False = Use only Remote Port

RuntimeUsersProject: [optional] Set which project (tproj) has the RuntimeUsers data table that will validate the users from SmartClient/RichClient

CheckRunTimeUsersWA: [optional] Set to validate the users from SmartClient/RichClient using Windows Authentication

True = Enabled (Runtime Using Project parameter cannot be used when True)

             False = Disabled

TargetCF : [optional] Set if the project is being deployed in a Compact Framework environment (WindowsCE) or not.

     True = Enabled

     False = Disabled.

ExtraCount: [optional] Number of additional ports. These ports will only route the incoming data in the LocalPort<#> to the RemoteIP<#> and RemotePort<#>.

LocalPort2: WebGateway listening port. It must start in #2.

RemoteIP2:  Computer IP that is running the runtime service

RemotePort2: “TServer.exe” listening port

LocalPort3: WebGateway listening port

RemoteIP3: Computer IP that is running the runtime service

RemotePort3: “TServer.exe” listening port


RemoteIP<n>: Computer IP that is running the runtime service

RemotePort<n>: “TServer.exe” listening port

Since the line ”<! − −” and ”−− >” makes a comment block, it needs to be removed.

You can find the default value in the “TWebGatewayService.exe.config”.

The additional ports (extra ports) won’t work with the parameters LocalPortWA, RemotePortWA ,WA, Encrypt, RuntimeUsersProject, CheckRunTimeUsersWA and TargetCF.

Starting the Service

When the WebGateway service is started, log messages can be found in Windows EventViewer.

You should be able to find among the messages one as in the example.

First redirect :: LocalPort: 3101, RemoteIP: localhost, RemotePort: 3101,RemotePortWA: 3102 
Extra Redirection Table:
Listen on ipv4:	Connect to ipv4:

Address	Port	Address	Port
---------------    ----------	--------------- ----------	3100	3100	3102	3101