
The Industrial Icons Font deals with a character encoding approach that transforms alphanumeric chars into icons and is available in the Draw Environment. Its main purpose is to facilitate the display creation process related with navigation or graphic indicator, ensuring the Project has a modern look easily applying themes. 

Adding to a Project Display

To use this feature in a project you will need to insert any component into a Display, in this example we will use a Text Output (TTextBlock).

At the left panel, on the Text configuration there is a button to change Fonts, as seen in the image below.

Changing Font Style.

After clicking on this button, browse for IndustrialIcons, select a TypeFace and FontSize.

Font Selection.

Now, type a Char into the Text box on the left panel. You should see the corresponding Icon appearing on the page.

Icon into Project.

Char into Icon Conversion

The complete conversion table is available below.