This solution demonstrates how to integrate multiple technologies, to create a Smart Monitoring Solution for Real-Time Production Sites, it was presented originally at ProveIt! 2025 in Dallas.
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Download the Solution File (requires v10 Update 1b): ProveIt.dbsln |
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The architecture consists of two projects: one that publishes data to both an embedded MQTT broker, used as a testing environment, and the ProveIt MQTT broker, and the main project (UI), which reads data from the broker, retrieves published OPC UA data, accesses the MySQL database for additional data integration, and displays the information.
The data connection is mainly done via TagProvider, which acts as an intermediary between the application and multiple data sources. It enables seamless access to real-time and historical data from different brokers, OPC UA servers, and the MySQL database. The TagProvider ensures data consistency and reliability by managing connections, data subscriptions, and updates efficiently.
Additionally, it supports various protocols and standards, making it a flexible solution for industrial applications that require integration across multiple data sources. The application can leverage these connections to process, analyze, and visualize data in real-time, enhancing monitoring and decision-making capabilities.
The header is a navigation component that allows users to seamlessly switch between different application pages. The application primarily offers two ways to navigate: the header provides access to the main pages, while the asset tree determines which data is displayed on the page. Navigation can also be performed using the asset tree. Additionally, the header includes options to select the layout type, log in, and change the theme.
The application supports adaptive layouts to ensure proper screen scaling based on the selected device type:
A demonstration of geolocation-based functionalities within the application.
More information about this component can be found here.
This page showcases the use of dashboards and symbols, offering dynamic visual representations of system data.
This component dynamically maps data from the MQTT broker. Users can select relevant data through the AssetTree, making real-time monitoring more accessible.
An example of a dynamic field configuration in the OEE page is shown below. The value inside the curly brackets represents a dynamic expression where:
Client.Context.LineId: Retrieves the selected asset from the AssetTree.
"Line/OEE/Total Count": Specifies the data path within the system.
"pcs": A static label.
Example: {Asset(Client.Context.LineId + "Line/OEE/Total Count")} pcs
This approach ensures real-time updates based on the selected asset, providing accurate production data at all times.
Grid View
The Grid View page demonstrates how raw data from MQTT is displayed, using @Client.Context.AssetName as the data source for the grid.
The Publisher project mentioned in the System Architecture simulates a production line and publishes relevant data to the MQTT broker under the topic Enterprise/tatsoft.
This project uses two of our utilities:
More information about these utilities can be found here.
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