There are 2 independent ways to use this protocol: Using a TagProvider; or as a DeviceChannel in the Module Device.

  • TagProvider: allows to use of the PLC addresses directly without creating any Tags nor mappings in the Project.
  • DeviceChannel: create Project Tags and map to the PLC addresses, allowing more control over names and data blocks. Use the Solution Import Tags to setup automatically the mapping.

This document has only specific information about the device connection settings and its address syntax.

Refer to the User Guide for more information on the  Device Module or on UNS TagProvider Connections.


Communication Driver Information
Driver nameTTagsSender
Assembly NameT.ProtocolDriver.TTagsSender
Assembly Version1.0.0.7
Available for LinuxFalse
Devices supported 

N/A (Not Applicable)

ManufacturerN/A (Not Applicable)
ProtocolProprietary over UDP
PC RequirementsEthernet port

Nodes Configuration

Station Configuration

Stations syntax:  <Host> ; <Port>

Where :

  • <Host>: IP Address
  • <Port>: UDP port

Points Configuration


String field.

Driver Revision History

TTagsSender Revision History
Version Notes release on new documentation standards

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