A Digital Gauge displays data using the LED style appearance.

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This component is Portable. It runs both on Windows and on Web Pages hosted in any platform.


  1. Go to Displays / Draw.
  2. On the Components Panel, select Gauges, then DigitalGauge.
  3. Click or drag-and-drop it on the Drawing area to use it.
  4. Double-click the object to open the configuration window.

DigitalGauge Settings



Linked Value

Links a specific data value or source to the gauge.

Designer Text

Defines the text shown in Drawing mode.


Specifies the spacing between the characters.

Border Margin

Sets the Border Margin for the text included on it. Influences the visual clarity and display of the gauge.

Character Width

Changes the Character Width.

Character Height

Changes the Character Height.


Defines the Text Color.

Runtime Execution 

During runtime, the DigitalGauge operates as a dynamic interface for displaying data, while being constantly updated. Users can customize the gauge by setting its orientation, position, and the data it is linked to. The control allows for detailed adjustments including the Border Margin, Text Color, Character Sizes and even changing the Spacing between characters.

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