The Import Tag Wizard facilitates importing tags .NET Classes from DLL files into solutions developed on the software platform. To use it, go to Solution/Import Tags on the Designer workspace, double-click on the .NET Classes import wizard, or click to select the .NET Classes and press the Execute button to open the configuration dialog.
On this page:
Go to Solution → Import Tags on the Designer workspace and select "Import SNMP configuration." Double-click on the selected wizard or press the "Execute" button to open the initial configuration popup.
In the initial configuration dialog, enter the following information:
The "Sync Device Node" dialog will appear. Here, you have the following import option:
Select "Add NodeName as Prefix" option to automatically add the PLC's name as a prefix to all imported tags. It improves organization, especially in solutions with multiple PLCs.
Click "Refresh" to display a preview of available tags.
Finally, press "Ok" to start the import process.
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