The Interaction folder encompasses elements that facilitate user interaction and input. The following components are available:


Activates functions or commands when clicked by users. It serves as an interactive element for submitting forms, opening dialogs, or triggering actions. Click Button Control to learn more.


Allows users to make a selection from multiple options. Users can check or uncheck boxes to indicate their choices in forms or settings. Explore CheckBox Control for further details.


Combines a text box with a drop-down list, enabling users to select an item or type their entry. It simplifies selection from a predefined list while allowing custom input. Discover more by visiting ComboBox Control.


Displays a list of items from which users can select one or multiple options. It organizes options in a scrollable format for easy selection. Find out more at ListBox Control.

PasswordBox Control

The PasswordBox component allows users to enter passwords within their applications. Learn more ai PasswordBox Control.

Numeric TextBox

Inputs numerical values only. It prevents the entry of non-numeric characters, streamlining data entry for numbers. See NumericTextBox Control for more details.


Emulates a physical button, responding to clicks with an action or command. It visually mimics a button being pushed down in the interface. Read more at PushButton Control.


Enables selection of a single option from a group. When one radio button is selected, others in the group are deselected, ensuring a singular choice. Learn more at RadioButton Control.


Allows users to adjust a value within a range by sliding a handle along a track. It's used for setting values like volume, brightness, or scales. Visit Slider Control for further insights.


Displays read-only text on the interface. It's used to present information, labels, or instructions within applications. More details available at TextBlock Control.


Enables users to input and edit text. It's a fundamental element for forms, data entry, and user input areas. Explore TextBox Control to understand more.

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