This section contains the reference links for the User Controls used to display information about the Solution Modules.
The following Gauges components are available:
ChildDisplay: platform native drawing primitives: Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Polyline and Path (Path is combination of shapes)
HTML5 Control: Graphical images imported and embedded into the solution, from various graphical file formats.
PdfViewer: native platform feature to allow easy use of most typical industrial icons for navigation and User Interface information.
ReportViewer: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.
WebBrowser: User Interaction Elements, like Buttons, Text Elements, and typical Windows Controls like CheckBox or RadioButton,
WPF Control: : native platform feature providing an extensive, and extensible, library of industrial symbols.
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HTML5 Control
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Center Value Circular Gauge
Shows central data points, such as core temperatures or system statuses, in control panels with a central indicator in a circular gauge. See CenterValue Circular Gauge for more information.
Circular Gauge
Represents operational data like energy usage or production levels in dashboard displays using a circular gauge format. See Standard Circular Gauge for more information.
Offers directional orientation in transportation or field operations, resembling a compass for directional data. See Compass for more information.
Digital Gauge
A Digital Gauge displays data using the LED style appearance. See DigitalGauge Control for more information.
Linear Gauge
Tracks linear data such as tank levels or progress in manufacturing processes, contrasting with circular gauges. See LinearGauge for more information.
Range Circular Gauge
Highlights specific ranges like safe zones or efficiency levels in process monitoring using a circular gauge. See Range Circular Gauge for more information.
SemiCircle Circular Gauge
Visualizes data in compact spaces or specific machinery control interfaces, providing a half-circle view. See SemiCircle Circular Gauge for more information.
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WPF Control
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